Few weeks ago, I uninstalled Google AdSense plugin from WordPress because it impacted my AdSense earnings negatively. Now, I’m manually inserting Google Ads on my pages.

After few months of testing the official AdSense WordPress plugin, the results were noticeably bad… my income dropped, even though I was running the same amount of ad units.

As with all webmasters, I’m always looking for ways to earn more with Google AdSense program.. a program that allows webmasters across the web to display advertisements to earn some money from their work.

I am also aware that other factors may have contributed to the results, including the fact that many users online now are using ad blockers and other software to stop advertisements from loading on a web page.

What really solidified my theory is that after I switched back to manually inserting AdSense units on my pages, my earnings began to recover.

It was that easy. When I used AdSense WordPress plugin to display my ads units, my earnings dropped.

After I switched to manually inserting my AdSense units, my earnings increased. Nothing more to study.. going forward, I’ll always manually insert AdSense units across all my websites.

Now for those who don’t know how to insert AdSense unit manually can follow the steps below.

When you sign up for an account with Google AdSense program, you’ll allowed to add up to three ad units on a single page after you’ve been approved.

There ads can earn you money.. might be slow, but they will.

To insert AdSense ads, you login to your account, then go to Ads tab and create a new unit. Then grab the code that’s generated and insert it on to the pages your want to display advertisements.

Again, you can add up to three units on a single page. Needless to say, you have to put in some effort into your advertisement design. Use professional templates to create attention-grabbing banners that you can resize and use depending on your needs not only on your site, but across all other channels you use.

Here’s one thing.. each of the AdSense code has its own JavaScript link. So if you’re running three ad units on a page, that page will load the JavaScript code three times.

This might not be the bast way to use AdSense units. The best way is to only run a single JavaScript code for all three units on that page.

To do that, you’ll want to add that single JavaScript line into your WordPress theme header file.

Then all AdSense units will run after the JavaScript code is loaded. It’s that simple.

Here’s the JavaScript that must be loaded in the header file of your theme.

<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>

After the above JavaScript code is added to your theme header file, all AdSense units will load in the body of your pages.

This is the part of the code that should be placed where you want advertisements to display. Again, you can add up to three of these to a single page.

<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

That’s it!

Now, what’s the best way to insert code in your theme header file? If you do it manually.. anytime you update your theme, all changes will be lost.

The best way I’ve found is to create a simple plugin that inserts codes into your theme header file.

You can read a post on how to create simple WordPress plugin to insert code into your theme header file here.

Replace the Google Analytics code with your AdSense code from the previous page and you’ll be good.
