Few days ago we showed you how to map your cloud services like SkyDrive, Google Doc, Box, Amazon S3, Dropbox, Picasa, etc. in Ubuntu using OTIXO Cloud Service. What’s missing in our previous tutorials is how to mount these cloud services automatically when you login to Ubuntu.

Mapping these services automatically will allow you access to them everytime you login to Ubuntu. This can be a great way to automatically backup your important data online securely.

To read our previous tutorials, click here.




  • Read our previous tutorial
  • Install and configure davfs2
  • Mount your cloud services automatically
  • Enjoy!


To get started,  press Ctrl – Alt – T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to install davfs2.

sudo apt-get install davfs2




Next, run the commands below to re-configure davfs2 so that normal users can mount WebDAV services.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2




Then choose to allow unprivileged users to mount WebDAV.




Next, run the commands below to copy davfs2 files from /etc/ to your home directory.

sudo cp -r /etc/davfs2/ /home/<username>/.davfs2




Then change the permissions on the folder you copied so that you are the owner.

sudo chown -R <username> /home/<username>/.davfs2




Next, run the commands below to open davfs2 secrets file to enter your OTIXO credentials.

gedit ~/.davfs2/secrets




Then enter your OTIXO server address, your username and password and save.

https://dav.otixo.com/   <otixo_username>   <otixo_pass>




Next,  run the commands below to edit /etc/fstab file.

sudo gedit /etc/fstab




Then add the line below at the bottom of the file and save.

https://dav.otixo.com/ home/<username>/dav  davfs  _netdev,rw,user 0 0



Next, add your account to be member of davfs2 group by running the commands below.

sudo usermod -a -G davfs2 <username>




Finally, create the mount point and you’re done.

mkdir ~/dav


That’s it. Restart your computer to test it. To access your mounted cloud services, go to dav or what ever you named it in your home folder.

