Now that our lab is configured.. it’s time to begin writing tutorials. Our first tutorial today is about installing the latest version of Nginx webserver on Ubuntu, CentOS and openSUSE Linux distributions.

We use Nginx web server on this site to power our WordPress blog. It’s a lightweight, fast and secure web server.

There are other great web servers in the opensource community that you may want to try, like Apache2, Lighttpd and others.

This brief tutorial is going to show you how to install and configure Nginx on these three distributions.

Users can then choose which distribution works great for their environments. After this tutorial, you’ll be able to install Nginx on Ubuntu, CentOS and openSUSE.


  • Installing Nginx web server on Ubuntu

Your first challenge is to install Nginx on Ubuntu server. To do that, all you have to do is run the commands below.

sudo apt-get install nginx

The commands above will install a stable version of Nginx. However, if you wish to install the latest version of Nginx, you’ll have to add additional repositories.

To do that, run the commands below to download Nginx’s mainline repository key on your Ubuntu server.

cd /tmp/ && wget

Nginx run the commands below to install the repository key

sudo apt-key add nginx_signing.key

After installing Nginx repository key, run the commands below to create a repository file for Nginx.

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list

Then add these lines in the file and save it.

deb codename nginx
deb-src codename nginx

Replace ‘codename’ with the codename of Ubuntu.. ex (Wily for Ubuntu 15.10)

Save the file and run the commands below to install the latest version of Nginx.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nginx

That’s how you install Nginx on Ubuntu.


  • Installing Nginx web server on CentOS

This is how you install Nginx web server on CentOS by running the commands below.

sudo yum install nginx

Running the above commands will install a stable version of Nginx web server. However, if you want to install the latest version of Nginx, you’ll have to add additional repositories.

Below is how you install the latest version of Nginx web server on CentOS. First run the commands below to create a Nginx repository file.

sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo

Then add the lines below in it and save it.

name=nginx repo

Finally, run the commands below to install the latest version of Nginx.

sudo yum update && sudo yum install nginx

That’s how you install Nginx on CentOS


  • Installing Nginx web server on openSUSE

Finaly, here’s how to install Nginx webserver on openSUSE by using the commands below.

sudo zypper install nginx

The commands above will install a stable version of Nginx… However, if you wish to install the latest version of Nginx, you’ll have to add additional repositories.

To do that,  go to this site.. there you’ll find the latest version of Nginx

Select your version of openSUSE, then expand the link to show ‘unstable packages

From there you can click the 1 Click Install link to add new repository and install Nginx.

One of the repositories that contains the latest version of Nginx is Micro Chip 8.

To install it, run the commands below.

sudo zypper ar "Micro Chip 8"

After that, update your source repositories by running the commands below.

sudo zypper update

When prompted whether to add or reject Micro Chip 8 repository key, choose to trust by typing t

After that run the commands below to install nginx

sudo zypper install nginx

That’s how to install Nginx web server on openSUSE.
