Countless times, it has been noted that using WhatsApp on one device is insufficient. There are various scenarios where users want to use the same WhatsApp on different devices. For example, working on the laptop/computer and answering your important messages/calls from there rather than a mobile device. For this purpose, WhatsApp has the feature to link devices up to 4 devices.
Apart from that, WhatsApp recently introduced the companion mode feature to use the same WhatsApp on multiple devices including Android/IOS/desktop. This feature was launched after considering too many requests from users as using multiple mobile gadgets is a normal thing in today’s era.
This handy guide is about using the same WhatsApp account on multiple Android devices.
How to Use the Same WhatsApp Account on Two Android Phones?
For using the same WhatsApp on multiple Android devices, there are two possible ways to be considered. One uses the built-in feature (companion mode) and the other one is the third-party app. Let’s discuss both ways below!
Method 1: Using Built-in Feature (Companion Mode)
As mentioned earlier, WhatsApp has launched the companion mode feature to use the same WhatsApp account on two/multiple accounts. To see how this feature works, take a look at the provided steps.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp (First Device)
Open your WhatsApp on the source device, tap on the “Ellipse” icon, and go to the “Linked devices” option. Afterward, tap on the “Link a device” option to link a new device:
Step 2: Open WhatsApp (Second Device)
Get started with the WhatsApp application on the second Android device, tap the “Ellipse” icon and tap the “Link as companion device”:
Upon doing so, the QR code will appear on the screen.
Step 3: Scan the QR Code & Use WhatsApp
From your first Android device, scan the QR code on the second device, wait for the WhatsApp to load and use it:
Method 2: Using a third-party App
Besides the built-in feature, you can also consider WhatsApp Web app (third-party) to use the same WhatsApp on two Android phones. For this purpose, there’s an app on the Play Store named Whats Web. To see how this method works, walk through the following instructions.
Step 1: Install & Open WhatsApp Web Tools
Initially, install the WhatsApp Web app from the Play Store on your second Android device and open it. Choose “Whats Web” to continue and the QR code will appear on the screen:
Step 2: Scan the QR Code & Use WhatsApp Web
Open WhatsApp on your source device and link a second device by scanning the QR code. Once scanned, enjoy using your WhatsApp on two Android phones:
How to Logout WhatsApp From a Linked WhatsApp Device?
If you want to logout your WhatsApp from the linked devices, simply go to the “Linked devices”, tap on the particular device, and tap the “log out” option:
By doing the above operations, WhatsApp will be logged out from the linked device.
Can I Link My WhatsApp to the Business WhatsApp?
No, you cannot link to the Business WhatsApp as a companion device. However, if you are using your Business WhatsApp account, you can link to other companion devices:
How Long Will My WhatsApp Last on the Linked Devices?
If your WhatsApp will be inactive on your primary device, your WhatsApp will last for 14 days on the linked devices. After that, it will be logged out automatically.
Sum Up
To use the same WhatsApp account on multiple Android devices, install and open the WhatsApp app on the secondary device; tap on the “Ellipse” icon, and tap the “Link as companion device”. Afterward, open WhatsApp on your primary device, tap on the “Ellipse” and go to the “Linked devices”. Then, link a new device by scanning the QR code. Alternatively, you can also install a third-party app Whats Web which exactly works as WhatsApp Web. Read the above tutorial for in-depth knowledge.