The Windows 10 Action Center serves as a centralized location where you can promptly access critical system settings and notifications. It’s a central hub for all your notifications, whether they come from third-party apps or from Microsoft itself. In this guide, we’ll walk through how to open the Action Center, what you can do with it, and how to customize it.
What is the Windows 10 Action Center?
Picture this: You’re deep in work, and suddenly, you have a flurry of notifications vying for your attention. It’s like being at a buzzing market with everyone shouting at once. The Windows 10 Action Center is like a personal assistant who gathers all these voices and presents them to you in an organized manner.
Simply put, the Action Center is a centralized place where all your system and app notifications live. But that’s not all. It also houses quick settings, making it easier to access common system functions. Think of it as a one-stop-shop for productivity on your PC.
Opening the Action Center
On a Windows 10 PC or laptop, the quickest way to access the Action Center is by pressing the “Windows Key + A” keyboard shortcut. This will open up the Action Center on the right side of your screen.

You can also open the Action Center by clicking on the speech bubble icon that’s located at the bottom right of your screen, next to your Start button.

Using the Action Center
Once you’ve opened the Action Center, you’ll see a list of items that need your attention, such as system notifications and software updates. You can also access quick settings like Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc., all from the Action Center.

Customizing the Action Center
The great thing about Windows 10 is that it allows you to customize the look and feel of just about anything. The Action Center is no exception. In this section, we’ll discuss how to customize the Action Center to your liking.
To begin, open the Action Center and click on “Manage notifications” at the top of your screen.

This will open a new window containing various customization options for your notifications. Here you can choose which notifications appear in the Action Center and which ones don’t.

You can also choose to show notifications on the lock screen and set up Quiet Hours, which will prevent any notifications from appearing when enabled.
The Windows 10 Action Center is a great way to stay up-to-date with all of your activities and quickly access various settings. Whether you’re at home or in the office, this handy tool can help make your life a little easier. With the tips we’ve discussed in this guide, you should now have a better understanding of how to open, use, and customize the Action Center on Windows 10. Now that you know all about the Action Center, why not give it a try and see what it can do?