The systeminfo command is a built-in tool of the Windows operating system that displays detailed information about the computer’s hardware and software configuration. This command is used in the Command Prompt.

When you type systeminfo in the command prompt and hit enter, it provides various details including but not limited to:

  1. Host name: It provides the name of the host system.
  2. OS version: It provides information about the Windows version installed in the system.
  3. Manufacturer: This option provides information about the system’s manufacturer.
  4. Installed Physical Memory: It provides information about the total physical memory installed in the system.
  5. Available Physical Memory: It shows the amount of physical memory available for use.
  6. Virtual Memory: Total and Available: It provides information about the total and available virtual memory in the system.
  7. System Locale: It provides information about the system’s locale settings.
  8. Time Zone: It provides the system’s time zone information.
  9. Network Card: It provides information about the network card.
  10. Hotfix(s): It provides information about the installed Windows hotfixes (patches).
  11. System Boot Time: It provides information about the last boot time of the system.

The command can be customized using various switches. For example, the /FO switch is used to format the output into a certain format (like CSV, LIST, or TABLE), and the /NH switch is used to remove the column header from the output.

The syntax for using the systeminfo command is:

systeminfo [/s Computer [/u Domain\User [/p Password]]] [/fo {TABLE|LIST|CSV}] [/nh]

You need administrative permissions to run this command successfully.

Below is a screenshot of the command output:

Who are the typical users of systeminfo command?

The systeminfo command is particularly useful for system administrators, IT support personnel, and even general users who need to obtain comprehensive information about a computer’s system setup. Here are some specific scenarios where it could be used:

  1. System Administrators: Administrators often need to obtain detailed information about system hardware and software for troubleshooting, inventory, or planning for upgrades. For example, an administrator might use the systeminfo command to check if a system has enough resources to run a new software application, or to see when the system was last rebooted, which could help when diagnosing system issues.
  2. IT Support: IT support personnel can use the systeminfo command when assisting users over the phone or via remote connection. For example, if a user is having trouble with their computer, the IT support person can use systeminfo to quickly gather information about the user’s system to help diagnose the problem.
  3. Software Developers: Developers might use the systeminfo command to gather system information that could be relevant for software development or testing. For instance, to ensure that a software application is compatible with a specific version of Windows.
  4. General Users: Even regular users might find the systeminfo command useful. For example, if you’re thinking about upgrading your computer’s hardware, you can use the systeminfo command to quickly see what hardware you currently have installed. Or, if you’re encountering system problems and seeking help online or from tech-savvy friends, you can use the systeminfo command to provide them with detailed information about your system.
  5. Security Analysts: In the case of an investigation related to security incidents or breaches, a security analyst might use the systeminfo command to find out the details of a system’s configuration, hotfixes applied, network configuration, etc. which can help them understand the state of the system at a given point in time.

systeminfo command sample usage command lines

Here are some examples of using the systeminfo command with different parameters:

  1. Default Use:
    Simply typing systeminfo in the command prompt and hitting enter will display a wide range of information about the system. systeminfo
  2. Remote System Information:
    To get information about a remote system, you can use the /s parameter followed by the hostname or IP address of the remote system. The /u and /p parameters are used to specify the username and password of an account on the remote system. systeminfo /s /u administrator /p password
  3. Formatting Output:
    To change the format of the output, you can use the /FO parameter. For example, to get the output in a list format, you can use the following command: systeminfo /FO LIST Similarly, to get the output in CSV format, you can use: systeminfo /FO CSV
  4. Excluding Headers:
    To exclude headers from the output, you can use the /NH parameter. This is particularly useful when outputting the information to a CSV file. systeminfo /FO CSV /NH
  5. Find Specific Information:
    The output of systeminfo can be quite extensive. If you are looking for specific information such as the installed RAM, you can pipe the output to the findstr command. systeminfo | findstr /C:"Total Physical Memory"

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: What does the systeminfo command do? A: The systeminfo command in Windows is a built-in utility that displays detailed information about the computer’s hardware and software configuration when executed from the Command Prompt.
  2. Q: Can I use systeminfo to view information about a remote system? A: Yes, you can use systeminfo to view information about a remote system. Use the /s parameter followed by the hostname or IP address of the remote system. The /u and /p parameters can be used to specify the username and password of an account on the remote system.
  3. Q: How can I change the format of the systeminfo output? A: The format of the systeminfo output can be changed using the /FO parameter. For example, you can use /FO LIST for list format and /FO CSV for CSV format.
  4. Q: Can systeminfo show me when my system was last booted? A: Yes, systeminfo can show you when your system was last booted. The “System Boot Time” field in the systeminfo output contains this information.
  5. Q: The systeminfo command is too slow. Is there a way to speed it up? A: The systeminfo command can sometimes be slow because it collects a lot of information, including details about all the system updates that have been installed. If you don’t need information about updates, you can pipe the output into the findstr command to filter for the specific information you need. This can make the command run significantly faster. For example, to only get information about the system’s model and installed memory, you could use:
   systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Model" /C:"Installed Physical Memory"

Note: /B means that the match should occur at the beginning of a line.

  1. Q: I ran systeminfo but the command isn’t recognized. Why might this happen? A: If you’re seeing an error that the systeminfo command isn’t recognized, there could be an issue with your system’s PATH environment variable, which is where Windows looks to find executable files. It’s also possible that your system’s Command Prompt isn’t running with sufficient permissions, as systeminfo may require administrator permissions.
  2. Q: Does systeminfo show the system’s IP address? A: No, the systeminfo command does not display the system’s IP address. However, you can use the ipconfig command to find this information.


The systeminfo command is basically like your computer’s information provider. It’s a super handy tool tucked away in your Windows system that spills all the beans about your computer. Everything from what version of Windows you’re rocking, to when you last booted up, and even what updates you’ve installed – it’s all there.

This little tool is a real lifesaver for IT folks, developers, and anyone who’s ever had to troubleshoot a cranky computer. But it’s not just for tech gurus – everyday users can also get the lowdown on their system’s setup. You can jazz up how the info is displayed, zero in on specific details, and even take a peek at the state of other computers on your network.

And the best part? You can use all this info to solve issues, plan for upgrades, or just satisfy your curiosity. Just remember, it might seem a bit tech-heavy at first, but with a little practice, anyone can get the hang of systeminfo. It’s like having your very own computer detective, right at your fingertips.