Here’s an important news for VirtualBox users; a major version was released yesterday. Until yesterday, the mainline version was 4.2 for all systems. Version 4.3 is the latest mainline version and comes with many new features and performance improvements.
If you’re currently using VirtualBox to host multiple operating systems, it’s recommended that you upgrade to the latest version to take advantage of some of the newest features. This blog post is going to show you how to install the latest version in Windows, Mac OS X and Linux systems.
Some of the features that were released include a major rewrite of the VT-x code and AMD-V code to improve performance, support for USB touch device emulation, support for SCSI CD-ROM emulation, support for IPv6 and many others.
To view a complete change log on this release, check out this page. If you currently have version 4.2 mainline installed on your system, you’ll have to uninstall it and install the 4.3 mainline. In Windows or Mac OS X systems, use the add/remove tool to install it.
In Ubuntu, run the commands below to uninstall or remove version 4.2.
sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-4.2
Next, run the commands below to add its repository official repository.
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
Next, run the commands below to add the repository key
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Finally, run the commands below to update your system and install version 4.3 or VirtualBox.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3
For Windows and Mac OS X, use the download page to download and install the latest version.