Few days ago, Intel released a Linux graphic drivers installer for their graphic chipsets to ensure the best user experience when using Intel graphic hardware with Linux OS. For more about this, please click here.
For now, it only supports Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 and Fedora Linux 17 and 18 both 32- and 64-bits architectures. The installer lets you easily install the latest drivers for Intel graphic hardware to stay current with the latest enhancements, optimizations, and bug fixes.
To install the the installer, you must first add the driver’s signing key to Ubuntu’s package manager repository. To do that, execute the commands below.
wget --no-check-certificate https://download.01.org/gfx/RPM-GPG-KEY-ilg -O - | sudo apt-key add -
After installing the key, go and download the correct installer for your Linux distribution from the download page.
Download and save a copy then use Ubuntu Software Center to install it.
If you get error about the package is of bad quality, just ignore it and continue with the installation.
After installing, you should be able to launch Intel Driver Manager from Dash.
If you’re a power user, run this command to launch the driver manager.