Google Earth lets you view 3D imagery of buildings and terrain, cities around the world and even the weather patterns directly from your mobile devices or computers. Although you can access Google Earth from your web browser, the version that you installed on your desktop is far more superior then the one on the web.
This brief tutorial is going to show you how to easily install Google Earth in Ubuntu 12.10 / 13.04 Raring Ringtail.
If you’re looking for a program that lets you view a virtual globe with maps and geographical information in 3D, then you may want to install Google Earth. It supports Windows, Mac OS and Linux systems, including Ubuntu.
The current version of Google Earth is version 7, which comes with a feature called Street View. Street View lets you experience the streets like never before.
To get started, press Ctrl – Alt – T on your keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below to download the 32-bits and 64-bits version of the program.
32-Bits Download
64-bits Download
After downloading, run the commands below to install it.
sudo dpkg -i google-earth-stable*.deb; sudo apt-get -f install
After installing it, go to Unity Dash and launch it.
If you want to completely remove or uninstall Google Earth, run the commands below.
sudo apt-get purge google-earth-stable* && sudo apt-get autoremove