This brief tutorial is going to show you how to create a bash script that will automatically backup your WordPress site and database to a FTP server at a specific time and date.
If you own a personal blog or website and you want to make sure that your blog can be restored in the event something terrible happens, then you’ll want to setup a backup and restore process. Using some WordPress plugins might get the job done, but I haven’t seen a complete plugin for WordPress that will backup your blog’s database and content via FTP automatically. I have tried many out there and they just couldn’t do it correctly.
So, I searched online and came upon this bash script that works. I modified it a bit for it to work in most environment, and all you need to do is add your FTP Server, Password, and the blog directory you wish to backup.
- Backup WordPress Sites to a FTP Server Automatically
- Enjoy!
To get started, create a new file called in your /root directory. Then copy and pastes the content below into the file and save.
Replace the highlighted lines with information of your systems.
#!/bin/bash# Copyright 2008, 2010 Guy Rutenberg <># WordPress FTP backup 2.0## Easily backup wordpress instances via ftp.## Change Log:# ===========# 2.0:# - Auto-detect database settings.# - Exclude cache data from backups.BACKUP_DIR=/var/www/html/wordpressFTP_HOST=ftp_hostnameFTP_USER=ftp_usernameFTP_PASS=ftp_user passwordFTP_BACKUP_DIR=/var/www/html/wordpress# end of configuration - you probably don't need to touch anything bellowPROG=`basename "$0"`print_usage () {echo "USAGE: ${PROG} [options] BLOG_ROOT"echo "Backup a WordPress blog"}print_help () {print_usagecat << EOFOptions:-h, --help show this help message and exitEOF}TEMP=`getopt -o h --long help -n "$PROG" -- "$@"`if (($?)); thenprint_usageexit 1fieval set -- "$TEMP"while true ; docase "$1" in-h|--help) print_help; exit ;;--) shift; break;;esacdoneif [ -z "$1" ]thenprint_usage > /dev/stderr
exit 1fiBLOG_DIR=$1DB_NAME=`echo "<?php require_once(\"${BLOG_DIR}/wp-config.php\"); echo DB_NAME;" | php`
DB_USER=`echo "<?php require_once(\"${BLOG_DIR}/wp-config.php\"); echo DB_USER;" | php`
DB_PASS=`echo "<?php require_once(\"${BLOG_DIR}/wp-config.php\"); echo DB_PASSWORD;" | php`
DB_HOST=`echo "<?php require_once(\"${BLOG_DIR}/wp-config.php\"); echo DB_HOST;" | php`
BLOG_DIR=`dirname "$BLOG_DIR"`/`basename "$BLOG_DIR"`BACKUP_DIR=`dirname "$BACKUP_DIR"`/`basename "$BACKUP_DIR"`echo -n "dumping database... "DUMP_NAME=${DB_NAME}-$(date +%Y%m%d).sql.bz2mysqldump --user=${DB_USER} --password=${DB_PASS} --host=${DB_HOST} \--databases ${DB_NAME} \| bzip2 -c > ${BACKUP_DIR}/${DUMP_NAME}if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; thenecho "failed!"exit 1fiecho "done"echo -n "Creating tarball... "TAR_NAME=${BLOG_DIR##*/}-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.bz2tar -cjf ${BACKUP_DIR}/${BLOG_DIR##*/}-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.bz2 --exclude cache ${BLOG_DIR}if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; thenecho "failed!"exit 2fiecho "done"echo -n "Uploading SQL dump and tarball to FTP... "ftp -nv <<EOFopen "${FTP_HOST}"user "${FTP_USER}" "${FTP_PASS}"put "${BACKUP_DIR}/${DUMP_NAME}"put "${BACKUP_DIR}/${TAR_NAME}"quitEOFrm -f "${BACKUP_DIR}/${DUMP_NAME}"rm -f "${BACKUP_DIR}/${TAR_NAME}"if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; thenecho "failed!"exit 3fiecho "done"
After saving the file, run this command:
chmod +x backup.shYou must run the above command as root.
After that run the commands to instantly backup your site.
/root/ /var/www/html/wordpress/
To schedule it to run every Sunday, open crontab and add the line below
0 3 * * 7 /root/ /var/www/html/wordpress >/dev/null 2>&1
To learn more about how to schedule tasks via cron, read this post.