VMware Player 6.0.1 maintenance update was recently released to fix some known issues. This release is free for all users who have the software installed. If you’re currently running VMware Player 6.0, it’s recommended to upgrade to resolve the following issues.
For users running 6.0, if you go to File –> Preferences and click on ‘Download All Components Now’, you’ll see that it doesn’t work. This maintenance release fixes that.
If you’re running VMware Player on Windows and it freezes up because another program is frozen, this maintenance release also resolves that program. The reason this happens is VMware Player attempts to communicate with the frozen application and gets stuck waiting for the frozen app to respond.
Another issue that has been reported is VMware Player hangs while powering off. This issue was also fixed with this release. This release also enables VMware Player to correctly identify Windows RTM builds and Server 2012 R2 when performance Easy Install.
If you wish to upgrade to take advantage of the above fixes, from Windows machines, go to Tools –> Check of Updates. VMware Player will automatically check for update and prompts you to install it.
Upgrading in Windows is easy. If you’re running a Linux machine, including Ubuntu, you’ll have to re-install the entire new release. To do that in Ubuntu, run the commands below to install the below packages.
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`
Next, go to VMware Player’s download page and download the latest version. Most Linux systems will download it in the ~/Downloads folder. Browse there and run the commands below to make the file executable.
chmod +x VMware-Player*
Finally, run the commands below to begin the installation.
sudo ./VMware-Player-6*
That’s it! Hope you upgrade to the latest.