If you’re using WordPress to power your blog, you should be thinking and planning about upgrading that’s because WordPress version 3.8 (Major) has just been released.

I have updated and the Admin UI is completely redesigned. Version 3.8 introduces a new and modern design that brings fresh new look to the entire admin dashboard.

While WordPress 3.7 focused on the WordPress core by introducing automatic updates, and revision control, 3.8 is all about facelift. The new WordPress dashboard has a new design the embraces ‘clarity and simplicity’.

WordPress 3.8 also introduces a clear typography that’s optimized for both desktop and mobile devices with refined contrast.  As with every major release, this one comes with fresh new theme called Twenty Fourteen, a sleek new magazine style theme.

If you haven’t upgraded yet, you might just want to. I am running it on this blog and it’s perfect. Since the release isn’t about changing the core product, it should work well with existing plugins and themes.

For those who have root access to their server, the can upgrade by running the commands below. Before you attempting to upgrade, you should backup your WordPress database and content.

Here’s a blog post about backing up WordPress databases.

When you’re ready, run the commands below to download WordPress latest.

wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip


Next, run the commands below to unzip the archive.

unzip latest.zip


Finally, copy all the content in the wordpress folder to your WordPress root directory to overwrite exiting files and folders.

cp -rf wordpress/* /var/www/wp-root


Restart your web server and sign on to WordPress admin page. You should be prompted with an upgrade button to upgrade WordPress database.

Do it and you’re set!




If you can upgrade from the admin portal, you should see an alert when you logon to the admin dashboard. Use the upgrade button to upgrade from there. You should also backup your database before upgrading from the admin portal.
